Yaaaaaaaaas queeeeen
He's much more down to earth than the democratic establishment, or even Harris.
At least, this is the vibes I'm getting.
I don't blame him, despite not knowing that much about him.
"no he's like really old. He reads a newspaper"
I think this is a fair dig haha
The state. It's literally how this works in other countries. (Victoria, Australia, anyway)
Wait, this ISN'T how it works where you live?
Where I live (in Victoria, Australia), the bond is held in trust by the residential tenancies bond authority. At the end of the lease the landlord can try make a claim, but you can take them to VCAT (a small claims tribunal) to argue against it, and until either all parties agree, or the court orders it, the bond doesn't get paid out to anyone.
Our laws are far from good, and still favour owners too much, but damn. Just trusting them to pay you out of their own pocket?
Probably covering his arse when they do a teacher purge.
Stay safe out there OP (assuming you're in the US)
And great job on the art :)
I'm gonna posit something even worse. It's trained on conversations in a company Slack
Unfortunately I am primarily an android user, as I always have my phone with me.
I shall give it a go for desktop at some point though
Friendship ended with Firefox. Waterfox is my new best friend ❤️
I feel so left out
I think we know he'll do the opposite. Him being a Russian asset is practically accepted fact at this point