What a neat game! I'll have to add this to my wishlist.
You have me giggling over here mate. But it's true!
Ooooh. Any recommendations on this product?
Yeah it's a satisfying sound. I wonder if there's a .mp3 of it somewhere.
I use startpage as my primary search engine. It's also privacy based and has an A rating from TermsofService;Didn't Read.
Are you saying to try Opensuse Tumbleweed in a VM on his Win11 machine? Then if they like it, to pivot to opensuse full time?
San Antonio, Texas. Disparage away. Any chance of change happening is incredibly slim. My city only had about 14.81% turnout during our last primary election.
This is by design. Voter fatigue is very real.
Keep up the good fight. I'm still trying to get used to OSM.
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm not using the application until I get a response. For all I know, they may respond on the very last day or not respond whatsoever.
Can't wait to play it. I wonder where Hans Capon is. He was not in the trailer.
You are unfairly criticizing all millennials by using this author as the sole representative.
Sorry I'm trying to understand. The Spurs got TWO picks from the Timberwolves? A 2031 and 2030 pick?