People who ask for this either don't know what they're asking for or know precisely what they're asking for.
I mean... OP interacted with a privacy feature. The tracking was already blocked, but if you go further, you might be interested in privacy in other ways. It's not an entirely unreasonable place to assume a user might be interested in your other privacy products.
That being said, I don't know that I would put all my privacy eggs in one basket with one company. I use a variety of products, free and paid.
I don't really understand why people act like I'm bullshitting when I say it wasn't confusing. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't linear, but I understood the basic concept.
There are parts that go "forwards" in time and there are parts that go "backwards" in time and the streams of events influence each other when they meet. The relative perception of the characters is that all events go "forwards". Some characters pass through the macguffin machine and their flow starts going backwards, and they influence themselves in both directions. Past this, you just have to watch the story happen.
The only confusing thing about the movie is the visuals. We're not exactly used to watching shit happen backwards so shit looks weird sometimes. The big fight with a ton of soldiers was probably the worst at that.
It is shortsighted and naive to think that following one avenue of progress is bad because we lag behind in other things. The amount of life saving and improving technologies that space travel has had a hand in might surprise you.
Lasa ma ca daca nu mergi tu la articol, vine el la tine :D