
joined 1 month ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah that's the kinda behavior that should change. How people care to make sure their app works on all versions of linux windows shouldn't be different.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Could you provide some examples of malware to break into windows 7 that work since it's last security update? Everyone says no more security updates so it's a risk everythings a risk even windows 11 is a risk that doesn't mean lets just not use it. Where is the proof of this malware that people still use it today, where is the example or video that shows this?

What exact modern features that are operating system essential does it have that could not be applied?


Windows 7 may no longer be supported from Microsoft but there are many users who still use it as their everyday operating machine for their desktop. Gamers even still game on Windows 7 due to compatability with the games & mods since many of them originally were created during the prime era of Windows 7. So why do applications which originally supported it remove the code so it no longer doesn't?

There are many groups which advocate amongst the % of users who still use Windows 7 everyday to keep Windows 7 alive! A program called Vxkex was made specifically to handle the api & .dll calls that Windows 8, 10, & 11 handled so that applications which wouldn't normally run on Windows 7 does. Why do companies like Steam, & Epic Games remove the code that supports Windows 7 & gives you notification that you will have to upgrade to keep using their software?

Why do some companies like Rufus hide specific features for users who are on Windows 7?

Version 3.22 (2023.03.25) Add SHA-1 and SHA-256 x86 acceleration on CPUs that support it (courtesy of Jeffrey Walton)

Add an option to disable BitLocker device encryption in the Windows User Experience dialog

Add a cheat mode (Ctrl-P) to preserve the log between sessions

Fix potential media creation errors by forcing the unmount of stale WIM images

Fix potential access errors in ISO → ESP mode by forcing Large FAT32 formatting

Fix user-specified label not being preserved on error/cancel

Fix some large SSD devices being listed by default

Fix processing of Rock Ridge CE fields Work around the use of Rock Ridge symbolic links for Linux firmware packages (Debian)

Remove the ISO download feature on Windows 7

Note: This is the last version of Rufus that can run on Windows 7

There's no need to exile those who choose to remain & still use 7 for everyday gaming or productvitiy. When creating software you shouldn't exclude a operating system if you want to support Windows. Theres nothing today that 7 couldn't support with the right libraries.


The web is a infinite span with over trillions of sites to see & explore. The depths of what we can learn is by as far as we are willing to go. Never be scared to checkout a new site on the internet you have many options.

Knowledge is key to exploration, security, anonymity, & archiving. What we discover should be shared & protected as it becomes apart of the ever growing global culture. What's given at convenience, commerical advertising, & policy agreements should never be enough you can always discover more.

What do you try to find when you search online?

[–] [email protected] -4 points 1 month ago

It's not AI it's human sir it would be kinder to ask rather then assume.

P2P What is it? (

Peer to peer technology is software that directly connects you to another individual without a server in the middle. it acts as both the client & server to share files across a network. Such a decentralized network uses resources more efficiently than a traditional network and is less vulnerable to systemic failure.

P2P file sharing was introduced to the general public in 1999 when American college student Shawn Fanning created the music sharing service Napster. It employed a centralized index server, which users would search on the basis of song title or artist name. If the index located the song on the hard drive of any other computer that was currently connected to the network, a user could download a personal copy while simultaneously offering his or her own computer supplied files in response to other users’ searches. The service quickly became a hub for larges cale unauthorized distribution of copyrighted music, and in 2001 it was shut down as a result of a lawsuit from members of the American recording industry.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Looking to step away from spyware such as Discord, Telegram, Whatsapp, & Gmail? There's many applications which are bad because they monitor you & share their collection of data with other companies. Open source applications allow the public to inspect a application's code & anyone can verify it does exactly what it's intended to do.

You can email without a provider collecting the contents of the email, you can instant message without a service provider logging messages & you can share directly with someone using peer to peer technology. Below is a list of alternatives you can look into to replace any proprietary services you may use.

Proprietary | Open Source

There's more you can search for to find replacements to proprietary services!

Which Git Do You Prefer? (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Which Git do you prefer to use?

  • Github

  • Gitlab

  • Gitea

  • Gogs

  • Codeberg

  • Bitbucket

Theres many let us know what you use & why you prefer to use it.

Archivebox (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

ArchiveBox is a powerful, self hosted internet archiving solution to collect, save, & view websites offline.

Without active preservation effort, everything on the internet eventually disappears or degrades. does a great job as a centralized service, but saved URLs have to be public, and they can’t save every type of content. ArchiveBox is an open source tool that lets organizations & individuals archive both public & private web content while retaining control over their data.

It can be used to save copies of bookmarks, preserve evidence for legal cases, backup photos from Facebook, Instagran, Flickr, Youtube, Soundcloud, & etc. It's important as an archiver that everyone self hosts & continues to share with each other everything to have multiple instances with the same files backed up & shared across each other. gets law suits & removes over 1.5million files of music, movies, tv shows, & music. You can't trust one centralized source so spread the word & preserve with your instance of Archivebox.


All I want to do is just explore the internet & check things out without a overseer watching my every move & building profiles out of me. The internet holds many wonderful softwares which can benefit us all every day. In the beginning people wanted to build things to be better then it became a product like everything else has in the world.

Features locked behind serial keys, pro versions, 30 day trials & etc it became a business to pay for the best. Then as the years go on the moneymaker changed due to foss alternatives appearing & people phasing out on checking new stuff out the honeypot became knowing what your up to. Collecting the whereabouts & knowing your habbits has become a big profit there are many different type of companies who are interested in knowing.

Knowledge is power so is knowing what people like & a majority is up to. Now technology has become convenience requires sacrifice you get something easy to you all handled by them & in exchange your device is their recording device they know everything your browsing your device's operating system & model. Theres more they can learn & what's scary is it's all legal a stalker outside is more safer then this.

It's important to know alternatives do exist so you can enjoy the same features without sacrifice! Theres chat instant messenger applications which do let you chat without a central server handling them you can directly communicate without someone in the middle! You can have an email service without the provider logging & selling your email information. You just have to be willing to search & switch today to set yourself free & be one step safer then before!


PrivateBin is a minimalist, self hostable open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data.

Data is encrypted and decrypted in the browser using 256bit AES in Galois Counter mode.

This is a fork of ZeroBin, originally developed by Sébastien Sauvage. PrivateBin was refactored to allow easier and cleaner extensions and has many additional features. It is, however, still fully compatible to the original ZeroBin 0.19 data storage scheme. Therefore, such installations can be upgraded to PrivateBin without losing any data.

You can find multiple instances at or use the official one at


Welcome everyone to the Unidentified Friendly Software Wave News community! We look to recommend software that will help you in every day usage. Looking to use something bringing more productivity to your workflow or are you looking to replace your proprietary software with free open source software? We got you there's alternatives to everything you only have to find them!

Community Guidelines

ၜ Be cool when posting!

ၜ No malicious tricks!

ၜ Provide detailed feedback when reviewing something!

We may revise these at any given time it's up to you to be sure you're up to date!