Yup, heard about it a week or two ago. Found it installed on my Samsung phone, it never asked for permissions or gave any info that it was added to my phone.
It's like he's forgotten that trade consists of both money AND goods. We're not just passing money back and forth while secretly keeping some of the USA's cut. Like even kids can understand this. And yes it's even more infuriating since we've been good to the USA, I'm sure many countries around the world would love a neighbour like Canada.
Hi, not gay but bi and I spend a lot of time in LGBTQ spaces. I personally have not heard of this meaning anything specific. Chances are that it's just a quirky / goofy expression that they like. I have a few friends who are not gay where every photo has a similar expression, it's just something some people do I guess 🤷
This was never about the border or drugs but Trump said jump and Canada asked How high?
This, sadly. I do not think a single thing Canada will do will have Trump change his tune. He has been told Canada has been screwing the US for whatever reason, and now he wants revenge like all the other actions he has taken this term so far. Still, I think we need to at least try, that way the more sane Americans (and the rest of the world) will hopefully realize that attempts were made by Canada, programs were put into place at the US's request, and all ignored by Trump.
I think what OP is trying to say is that people in their age range will end up being the last of those people, ie. the internet was one of their earliest memories and that happened to be right as it took off. A similar example from my age range, we will probably be the last to remember the WTC attacks as they happened. It's one of the earliest memories I have. Not me specifically, unless I am graced with an incredibly long life, but someone around my age who is.
...Apple was already doing it because both Biden and Trump were on the same course when it comes to putting tariffs on China. Tariffs work for this purpose...
Btw, have you really reviewed all Apple public financial statements? I didn’t so I don’t want to claim something doesn’t exist there.
Nope, I never claimed anything of the sort of course, I am basing all of the understandings I have off the research I can do on publicly avalible stats and statements. I'm just replying to your "someone make a counterpoint" comment like you asked. Despite saying you haven't reviewed Apples financials and that you don't want to claim something that doesn't exist, you seem very set on the fact that tarrifs were a major factor. I agree that Apple would never state the reason, they are a ~~private~~ company and are allowed to do so, I'd probably do the same.
Edit: Don't know why I said private, they are publicly traded but still have no requirement to disclose their reasonings to the general public.
Yes, of course, about half their revenue comes from outside the US from a quick search. But doesn't that reinforce my point that tarrifs were likely not the primary reason for this US investment? China is not threatening tarrifs on Apple, yet they still plan to invest there because it is in their best interest and the interests of their shareholders.
As the other guy said, I think Apple is working in it's own interests more than anything and the tarrifs were not the primary motivation. For one, Apple does not mention tarrifs or reference them in both their 2021 $430 billion investment announcement or their more recent $500 billion announcement. On top of that, at the end of last year Bloomberg reported Apple is still committing to investing more in China. Do the tarrifs play a part in the US investment? Maybe, but I think it would be foolish to say this is a sign of them being the primary motivator for them.
Has it always done this or is this a new issue? I agree with what someone else said, I think this is likely a bed leveling issue. The P1S uses pressure sensing using it's nozzle for bed leveling. If the screws holding the hotend in place aren't tight enough, it might be giving you poor readouts. This could happen after a nozzle swap if you've done one before. Same if the print head itself has a lot of play in it for some reason, it would throw off the results.
Amphenol connectors. Used a ton in industry, military and aerospace. They are actually really nice when you get down to it, but you need expensive tools and the connectors themselves are usually quite expensive. I once had a client ask for a specific 6 pin one, only about the size of my thumb, it was $800.