You can bless the Ankh by throwing it in the well, either way blessing your Ankhs in a high chal run is a waste of its healing potential (can be used safely on boss floors outside boss battles)
I'm gonna hope you didn't walk in while followed by the crab and was instead exploring when it came it.
Also, what items did you have? Apart from the already mentioned use-the-key there may have been other options. The blue crab moves slower than the player which allows some room to play with.
I see. Yeah I wasn't quite sure from your description and only briefly looked at the image so I didn't even notice it was a gif
They are showing without the item because that gets randomized each game. Open the journal while in a run and you'll see all ID'd items filled out fully
I'm a big fan of the hawk. With speed upgrades it can more than keep up with your RoH, you can use it to see into rooms without having to expose yourself, at which point that projecting+arcana can do some fine work
That's the thing though, I can imagine reasons, but none of them seem consistent with the other choices and specified rules "i assumed they wanted to be with me" and "would try to be as safe as possible"
I have to ask though, why No on the Succubus?
Even nicer: if there is a piece of tall grass next to water, just walk around it while hitting. Step, hit, step, hit etc. until it's done. There are a couple cheesier solutions depending on what you have (e.g. rose and bow)
Consider a network tap. Should by design be invisible to the program being examined.
Yeah, I noticed you invested a fair bit in a wand compared to my direct RoH RoSS approach
Yup. Had some time to kill offline so I just ascended that run, I'll probably drop a post as well
It takes quite a while (really rather a lot of time) for Rejuv steps to stop even on Huntress. How long did you test for?