Thats a lot less Latex then I expected
Whitelight my Beloved, Dude knows how to make my Bass Speakers go, by the pure Power of his Voice alone
Oh she is mommy alright!
Femboys are a Human to the freezer.
So glad The Freezer has accepted them
Nope! I am German and we Capitalise loads of Words. Combine that with me feeling better seeing some words just be big (Think of how Youtuber Capitalize every Word in thier Video Titles)! So Overall, really I just go off Vibes~
Finally returning after a 3 Week hiatus
For those out of the Loop, what happened?
There have been lots of Exciting stuff happening in my life as of recent that needed and still need a lot of my Attention, so I haven't really Kept up with the Post Schedueling. Buuuuut I will return next week! I wanted to return this week but got side tracked....
Oh also, since I really need my attention else where, I've decided that ill only post Bi-Daily as to take a bit of my Load off for the time being
I wanna marry into this specific Family yes
All those Artists Discord Servers I joined are gonna really fucking hate this. God I hate AI