"please don't be mean to contestants from countries that are committing Genocide"
They are fucking traitors whose first loyalty is to a foreign power which kills our citizens as well as tens of thousands of civilians without consequences
Israel can kill whoever it wants and is above any law. No one is immune.
Zionists can murder whoever they want. They are above any law. No one is safe.
Yes. But if you say anything about it you're a Jew hating rape apologist.
That's the warning to future generations about nuclear waste isn't it?
Blair took a few years to embrace authoritarianism. Starmer is doing it straight out of the gate.
Great article, thanks.
Starmer needs support after he wins the election and once the honeymoon is over. That will be hard given how all he's done is piss off the membership.
And fuck Tel Aviv Keith too
Just call an election and put us out of our misery.
That's because Zionist fanatics have taken control of the Labour leadership