Honestly, I miss the golden age of streaming. But now that it's gone and we are basically stuck with cable, I'm cancelling all my accounts, I cancelled Netflix last year, prime early this year. Never had crave, it was basically garbage since it was introduced.
New exactly what it was before I clicked. That fight scene is iconic.
If it's not your experience, then I would look at your interview skills.
Your resume only gets you a conversation, you have to sell yourself to them.
Are you confident when you interview? Not too confident to be cocky though, but enough that you know what you are talking about if someone were to ask a question.
Ask questions during the interview. Ask them what they like about working there. Act interested and engaged and you will stand out among the rest.
OK, You have a degree
What is your experience like?
What is your field in tech?
What make you senior?
Another important question, where are you located? This can make a huge difference, if you are looking in a small town for senior tech jobs then you aren't going to get much.
Right now, tech jobs aren't doing well since companies over hired, then decided to shed those positions. But Senior positions are usually always in demand.
The thing is so ugly tho, I just can't get behind it. Well, I mean, Elon is a large reason now, but even before that.
You've been looking for work for 3 years? Have you been out of work for 3 years? If you've been out of work for 3 years, what type of tech do you do?
Infrastructure? Administrator? Developer? Security?
Have any certifications? HR likes to see those even if they are basic ones.
Since it's been 3 years, have you been keeping your skills up to date? Tech changes so rapidly, take for example, I completed my AZ-305 2 years ago, since then I've had to renew twice and each time the test has new stuff. Azure tech changes constantly.
My current position is Senior Consultant, I got it by leaving a different position and contracting for a few years. A big consulting firm scooped me up on my second contract.
I agree, it was definitely there, but wasn't promoted. Now, when I go there, I'll get notifications that someone posted.... Someone I don't follow and the post is hate filled garbage. In my notifications of all places.
The front page isn't people I follow anymore, that's in a different tab under Following. It's not the default tab.
Fucking garbage.
The article not Fauci
Theres a video rental place down the way from me in Vancouver, BC. First, Vancouver is expensive as hell. Our average 1 bdrm is roughly 3k a month. This guy has a prime location, in Vancouver, on a busy street, with a video rental store. Who rents movies these days? Maybe some, but surely not enough to keep him afloat. It's not an adult video store either.
Yeah, the names were in both amber alerts, seems silly to no longer name them since we ALL already know their names.
I actually didn't either, I only knew of the original theatre incident, only learned the part about the pictures today.
See if your ISP can set their router to bridged mode, then you should be able to use your own while plugged into their equipment. It will turn all the functionality off on it so you won't be doubled natted and traffic should flow properly.