Please be nice to house centipedes, they're friends. They won't hurt you.
EDIT: Sorry OP, I shouldn't have assumed any ill will, you seem cool!
Please be nice to house centipedes, they're friends. They won't hurt you.
EDIT: Sorry OP, I shouldn't have assumed any ill will, you seem cool!
Thanks! I hope your huckleberries and raspberries learn to get along, would definitely be nice to have both lol. I try not to think about the dead stuff too much, and just keep rebuilding, but it's hard.
The elderberries are finally starting to ripen and the beautyberries are starting to fruit. The box huckleberry seems to be very happy this year, I dunno why though. The maypops and creeping cucumbers have finally come out, late as they usually do, and are climbing everything. Unfortunately so are the invasive morning glories that I have to keep rescuing everything else from. The young pricklyash is finally starting to look more like a tree than a rose bush. The ostrich and maidenhair ferns are having their second terrible year in a row, not sure what's going on there. Mayapples are very nearly ripe. Finally, the neighbor and landlord have murdered an even greater chunk of the garden. Nearly a third dead to poison...
Patron using the computer: "Your Google is broken! No matter what I search, it just shows me books!"
Me: "'re typing in the library's catalog. This isn't Google."
Sounds like it's a date!
Northeast, but I travel southeast usually at least once a year! How's Lowe Mill in Huntsville sound for a fun date? 😉
I'm not like a huge fan of myself either, so there, we have a thing in common already lol
To all of the people whose reasons are something self-deprecating about their confidence/appearance/personality/etc:
I'll go on a date with you, if you want! ☺
I have voted twice a year, ever year, for the entire time I've been old enough. That said, I really can't remember the last time I actually expected any meaningful change from it... Electoralism is a bandaid at best, and a distraction at worst. At least in the U.S., maybe it's different elsewhere.
Aside from all the very valid criticisms everyone else has pointed out, there's one thing that always made it totally unusable for me... When you open the app, the very first thing it does is show your front-facing camera?? What kind of unhinged behavior is that, are they trying to ruin my day?!
The 40 hour work week was a goal set by people working way more brutal hours, not infrequently 7 days a week. People fought really hard for decades to change it, and when I say "fought" I mean literally. Many of them were murdered by the state or corporations for it. But they got there.
May I introduce you to the 4/4/4 movement?
I feel like my answer might break AskLemmy's rule 2 about "Overt Politics", but so do a lot of the other answers? Feel free to delete if so.
overtly political answer, also CW for violence.
As far as the current American system goes... nothing. By and large, even laws that seem good are mostly only used in service of the elites, against the people. Consider this series of events:Unfortunately, this general sequence is not uncommon at all. Neither is the inverse, where the bureaucrats/judges/etc decide "that doesn't count, actually" when it comes to an elite very clearly breaking an existing law, or else changing the law so it doesn't apply to them in retrospect.