Hell yeah. I'm using this for the next Session for my party. Thanks!
I’m in sort of the opposite boat. I’ve never played tomb raider lol (but it’s on my list someday once I remember to pick it up on Steam). I will admit I’m biased (I grew up playing these games so that bias may make me blind), but wouldn’t say it really focuses on being Macho Men unless you’re referring to the scenes that are trying to be cool (like the famous train one).
There’s a lot of Gunplay involved and the later games (or at least the 4th one. It’s been ages since I played 2 & 3) have a lot of exploring like you want involved too.
That’s interesting. I’m a hobbyist video game developer so learning old techniques is interesting for me. I’ll have to look more into this later because I’d love to understand how it works
I wouldn’t be surprised if I had one in the garage, if not I live in an area where people seem to be giving away CRTs regularly for some reason. I’m sure I could nab one. I think the main thing stopping me is I’d have to haul it up some stairs lol
Agreed. It can look a bit off in a few places but for the most part it’s gorgeous
That’s ultimate my goal (though I’m not planning to quit after that if I make it). I figured having some sort of goal to work towards would be a good thing
I grew up on The Movies and The Real Ghostbusters, It definitely feels like a ghostbusters movie. Honestly the only thing that takes me out of it is the Lip Syncing being a little off, and even then that’s not that big of a problem, especially for an older game
I was reading up on reviews for fun after playing and that seemed to be the general consensus
The lack of a HUD was something I thought was really cool. I can imagine it’s difficult to pull off (different resolutions, screen size, and if you ever need to zoom out the camera you’ll have to worry about that too), but I wish more games did something like that because it’s really amazing to see done.
Thank you for sharing, I’m saving this to try for later. I don’t usually have an issue with Kale. But this sounds to good to pass up
I did the same thing with rats for a while! It’s fun seeing someone who did the same thing. I have one screenshot from ages ago from Assassin’s Creed Black Flag where no NPCs spawned except for one or two, instead it was just a ton of rats. That one was always one of my favorites right next to Halo 3’s rats
Anakin was what sold me on the prequels. I had no clue he turned into Darth Vader until later. I just thought he was cool