
joined 2 years ago
[–] NGnius 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

If you don't want to follow other people's suggestions on how to communicate your information better, that's fine. But insulting people who are just offering friendly suggestions (and explanations) is not ok.

Despite what you have seem to believe, I actually agree with your post's general thesis. It doesn't really matter to me whether you believe that though.

[–] NGnius 13 points 3 days ago (5 children)

It's not about being able to verify, it's about the amount of effort to verify. I.e. people are lazy.

Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived

This is quite ironic seeing how you've posted something that qualifies as "the worst" without any verifiable evidence.

[–] NGnius 12 points 3 days ago

Ticketmaster is doing their very best to make paper tickets unusable with refreshing barcodes. Funny thing is that "anti-theft" feature is needed because of their own systemic failures. I do like tickets that are just sent to my email or similar (e.g. as an attachment that I can save to my phone) though, it's better than wasting paper when I know my phone won't fail me.

[–] NGnius 2 points 3 days ago

Regular smart watches are such a luxury good that I'm surprised they've been growing up until last year. Realistically most people don't need a smart phone that's more than like $300 and I can't imagine spending more than that on a smart watch which just duplicates most of the features of a smart phone (and adds a few more sensors if you're lucky).

The rise in kids smart watches is a bit alarming to me, though. If the reason for it is truly that parents want to track their kids more, that's really bad for the kids for two big reasons. First being that kids need to learn how to behave without their parents always watching, and second is that if the parent can see where the kid is then probably so can the company who made the smart watch. Maybe they'll make a smartwatch which sends location data over something like the Signal protocol to mitigate 3rd party tracking, but I doubt there's a big enough demand for that for any of the major companies to do that on their own.

[–] NGnius 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

I think the joke is that we already do all of those things (except the stop booing part)

[–] NGnius 5 points 1 week ago

Just don't host it with a USA company.

(Self-promo: is still up, hosted in Canada)

[–] NGnius 23 points 1 week ago

I do almost the same thing as a(n unpaid) hobby that I do as my (paid) job. I'm a software developer who writes open-source software on the side.

I've also seen a few of my other hobbies grow into serious industries with real employees. The (hobby) drone industry and the 3D printing industry are quite large and growing (I assume).

[–] NGnius 1 points 2 weeks ago

Prefacing this with some of my relevant biases, so you can weigh the opinions in my response accordingly: I'm a single man, my best friend is a woman. I'm not much into dating or romance and I don't want kids. I'm arguably demiromantic, though I don't actually tell people that because it's only relevant for dating. I also have way too many ongoing hobby projects, all that I love to do and that I don't want to sacrifice to do other things.

somehow i left my “cave” and i forced myself to physically interact with women. i no longer can use the excuse of “i am unattractive” to avoid women or love or whatever i am avoiding. possibility of having my own kids became real in practice, not just in theory.

Since I think this informs some of your questions/quibbles later in your post, do you want to have kids? How much do you want to have kids? Would you be fine not having them? Would you be fine not having them if you had a partner? Would you be fine not having kids and not having a partner? Those should inform how you'd handle being alone or the other options you ask about.

anyway, one woman acted like she kind of adopted me. she also acted like she is kinda my responsibility. like imagine a kid looking at you with some expectations. kinda like she attach herself to you. she kinda acted like she’d be open to everything to do with me including whatever i might want related to her. i felt like she’ll always love me. it’s difficult to verbally describe what i felt or understood.

btw somehow we understand a ton of things from actions (or energies?) of others if they are close. i didn’t know i was capable of understanding that much because a lot of the time, things happen really fast, and i wasn’t aware that i knew what i seem to know. anyway.

On the internet, it's a pretty normal thing to joke about extroverts adopting introverts as friends/partners. It's based on real life experience -- it's partly how I have one group of friends, as an introvert myself. The understanding you describe is pretty natural from being around someone for enough time. You will learn the subtler signs of their behaviour and you'll also get to know their personality well enough to have a good guess on how they'll react to situations.

this isn’t exactly about her. if someone is like her to me, i kinda don’t know what to do with that. it kinda feels like taking responsibility of another creature. her having expectations from me. what do you do with a woman if she loves you, and kinda acts like both your mom and your kid?

isn’t that too much love or bond or emotion? maximum reality of a connection or something like that was what i wanted and i accidentally got it. now it feels kinda too much. it feels too good/intense for me to maintain a control in my life or something. idk. i am not used to having what i’ll call love in my life. when i am around other humans i don’t exchange love with them. my family betrayed me so i no longer have a family. i don’t have friends and it seems i kinda don’t want friends.

If you want to be in a relationship, you'll have to accept that you'll both rely on each other to some extent. How much you rely on each other depends on what sort of relationship it is -- acquaintances rely on each other less than friends do, and romantic partners rely on each other more than friends. Reliance depends on the specific people in the relationship too, but I can't give general advice about specific individuals. If you want to have a romantic partner who is super independent you should definitely seek that out. Just be aware of the consequences of a relationship like that -- emotional attachment is a large part of romance so you run the risk of finding someone who's actually just cold and distant instead of actually independent.

As an armchair psychologist (as in, I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about), I'd like to point out that you've described family trauma that could negatively impact your ability to form healthy relationships. Talking about that with a therapist might be worthwhile.

i want to proceed to gain experience but eventually i want to end the relationship. i can’t spend my entire life with the first woman who acts like that to me, although i don’t want to be unappreciative. anyway if i end this, i would feel bad for ending it. like she looks at me so happily and that just looks so nice. its like a mix of she acts like my mom in some ways and my kid in some ways towards me because… its me kindof. i wouldn’t want to make her go from being that happy to sad, and i wouldn’t want to be responsible for that change. i could tell her this and leave it up to her. idk

Not to spout too many truisms, but people change. You can avoid that by never being around people, but you have to ask yourself is that worth it? Is a month of sadness after breaking up worth years of happiness together? I'd say yes -- I think you're too scared of getting hurt to try to be happy. It's worth noting that usually you get over short relationships faster than long ones. So your net happiness (i.e. days happy minus days sad) is much higher for long-term relationships even if they end in sadness. Same thing is true for everyone -- your partner included. The end may make them sad, but the happiness before that also matters (and matters more). Minor aside: Similarly, that's why breaking up is better than staying in an unhappy relationship. Break ups allow for people to heal and get over their sadness, while an unhappy relationship is theoretically endless sadness.

next problem. maybe i really want to be alone my whole life. if i genuinely do not want to stay in a relationship with anyone, what would happen?

There's no harm in being single. Personally, I think there's more harm in society's expectation that everyone finds a partner and has children. Just let people do what makes them happy (and doesn't hurt other people). I sometimes worry about what I like to call "toxic independence", though. To me, someone who is "toxicly independent" is someone who takes independence too far, to the point where they self-sabotage their relationships so they can be more free or not be burdened by the responsibility of caring about others. Sort of like how toxic masculinity is masculinity taken to a ridiculous, destructive extreme. All that to say, don't be so tied to your independence that you aren't willing to connect with others. We live in a society and we're social creatures so having relationships is inevitable and important, even if you don't want the full romantic relationship with anyone.

Being alone can be bad for your health, though. Loneliness kills. So please be careful with signing yourself up for being alone, and know your limits and take care of yourself.

next problem. lets say somehow i changed and i wanted to stay in a relationship and she became my family, somehow. people change. she might change too. look at past few decades. a concept called x used to be bad. now it is somehow good. how did that happen? what made that happen will keep doing it. lets say she changes. she is no longer good to me or for me. well… did i just lose my family?

is there a more stable and less intense way of having your own family? also it’s kinda weird to create your family by fucking a woman.

I'd argue fucking is more of a way to join a family. Your family right now is just a family of 1. But I think this take only sounds absurd because you've oversimplified it to that point. I wouldn't consider the act of hooking up to be creating/joining a family. I do consider getting to know someone really well and growing to love them to be a pretty stable and non-intense (if you don't do it faster than you're comfortable with) way to have a family.

i thought about creating a movement and having my group of people as something to love or see as family but idk if thats realistic. i guess i’ll love sun, trees, sky or wooden figures i build or something but thats stupid. so what do. idfk. why can’t i be an empty idiot like others so i can just fuck around freely?

What you're describing is friendship. People who you love but you aren't fucking and you aren't related to (by marriage/adoption/genetics) are called friends. Some people call them good friends, but personally I think that's just because lots of guys call acquaintances "friends".

And with that, I think that's enough generalizations for today. Hope this helps and I hope you find what you're looking for!

[–] NGnius 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

If you thought about the planet you wouldn't be using smart devices at all, especially not completely unnecessary ones.

[–] NGnius 21 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Twitch Plays Pokemon is still better

[–] NGnius 3 points 4 weeks ago

Interestingly the article about steganography does not mention the term even once.

[–] NGnius 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Relativity would prevent this. If the train moves at the speed of light, then nothing inside it will move because time will stop. The amount of trains inside trains doesn't really change much except the effect of time dilation (slowdown) on each train. You can't actually accelerate to the speed of light.


Steam Deck plugin for controlling additional power settings. New in this version:

  • Online repository of setting profiles
  • Settings variants for every game #82
  • New save file and override file format
  • Steam Deck OLED compatibility tweaks
  • UI fixes (hopefully somewhat future proof)
  • Bugfixes
  • Removed some legacy code

It should be available on the main Decky store soon™ (it's already on the testing store). I lurk here too much to ask for a favour, but if you submit a testing report you can speed up getting this version onto the main store.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by NGnius to c/[email protected]

Decky fan control plugin for Steam Deck. The new version fixes SteamOS 3.5 support and has some technical changes for the nerds. It should be available on the Decky store soon™

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