Her getting fired means she'll likely have to rely more on her prostitution to survive. This means the school has now increased the amount of prostitution. How are the schools against it if that's the case? Maybe the schools should increase teachers wages so that they don't need to be a prostitute.
Yeah, before neoliberalism prostitution didn't exist, so clearly it is good to victimize prostitutes, as that's just sticking it to neoliberals, the ones who invented prostitution.
I think China Mieville is the closest I've read, though obviously not 1:1.
Cool, how long did you go to jail?
They are getting 2.5 years for pointing out the teacher, not for beheading.
is het niet zo dat de schade van geen klimaatbeleid honderden (of duizenden) miljarden euro's gaat kosten
Ik ben bang dat dit wel gaat gebeuren
Dit is makkelijk te doen in de oppositie. Nu in een kabinet zullen we waarschijnlijk zien dat ze VVD beleid gaan doen, maar met wat extra racisme.
The best playstyle is to do whatever the fuck you want, and this is it.
I'm really not surprised because that sounds terrible.
I'd say they're good at it considering they're getting away with it.
Who has ever been upset at people owning their own home?
The people who are there and know the situation can still be wrong. This is a thought terminating cliche.