#SUTOM #831 3/6
#SUTOM #830 3/6
D'avoir placé une lettre non commune dès le départ m'a grandement aidé je dirais.
#SUTOM #829 3/6
That's what I understood from context, yeah. I hope they turn things around sooner than later. Thanks for your reply.
chase rates were among the top
Luck factor has not started its season yet then!
Exactly my feeling, the thirst for wins is not there. Players strikeout three times a match, have an OPS of 0.180 and not an ounce of anger is shown. I hope it turns around.
I do believe they're gonna miss the wildcard by a couple games as well.
I don't perceive the thirst for wins they once had, mainly when Teoscar and Gurriel Jr. were still in TO.
And yes, I do hope the players coming back from injuries give the team an uplift.
I'll try my best to avoid any of those listed. I'll also look up what's owned by Loblaws here in Edmundston.
I already try to give as much as possible to local markets and groceries but in the end, we all want more money in our pockets.
Thanks for the heads-up.
J'ai donné une chance à Balatro, le jeu de poker roguelike.
J'ai vu plusieurs personnes y jouer sur YT et même si leurs compétences dépassent largement les miennes, j'y trouve quand même mon compte. Je suis loin de créer des combos de fou mais je suis à environ 50% du "Completionist+".
Les difficultés en high stakes ça sera pas du gâteau.
Bien joué!
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