It looks like it was for some points on a left turn, so much lower than on normal track etc.
you don't have to keep the house - in 5 years you can sell it again. as long as the house hasn't lost value, you will be about even.
I mean, assuming nothing will happen for at least 5 years (this stuff always takes ages) then it could come with some conditions on emissions - yes you can now fly 50% more planes, but lets say you have an emission cap of 120% (numbers made up).
That gives them an incentive to start looking at this stuff now - airlines will know they won't get new slots unless they do it in an environmentally way.
Oh yeh, it does that (randomly closing)
It also likes to randomly update and steal context from other apps. Have sent a few accidental messages that way
I think the idea is that you can optimise it for the model or maybe? (Guessing mostly)
It's indeed good, timing is tight to go after work though as it closes kinda early
I can see the drivers doing a swearing consortium.... If one driver gets a fine, all of the other drivers swear once in their next press conference
It was quite a nice pub last time I visited. Not ideal to get to on a road bike though.
There is an even better one with multiple houses and a pub!
The inside access road onto the roundabout is an interesting one to experience.
I actually hated that one because it really didn't mesh with my mental image.
Hogfather on the other hand, was awesome
Ski Resort Tycoon.. 3 I think? ... Lots of Tycoon games in fact. Think what could be done with them if they had a big budget nowadays
Not much activity I can see on the accounts I looked at?