It was definitely some educational game, I'm quite sure it was "Leer 't lekker zelf", edutainment from the Netherlands. You had to subscribe and you got a new disc every two weeks. I just looked it up and people have actually archived it online.
Currently re-playing the Ace Attorney Trilogy as I got it on Steam during the sale. I played them back in the day on the DS and it's been a blast. I just checked out Jack Jeanne - it seems to have some sort of skill building aspects to it? I've been looking for a stat builder otome but there isn't much out there.
Thanks! I'm actually going to swap it out for a Buddha Jewelry Mini Valentina when I downsize. That piece wasn't in stock when I got the piercing so I've been wearing this Industrial Strength Marquise Fan in the meantime. Now the question is what I'll do with the piece... Maybe a second lobe? Or get another one and wear them in my first lobes. Decisions, decisions!
Yes, I did. It was €150 from Banggood. I personally feel the cost is justified because the alternative is printing hundreds of pages and taping those together, which is high in ink cost and opportunity cost (it takes a while).
However, I do primarily (almost exclusively) use digital patterns so I use the thing very often. If you also use regular paper patterns I would imagine the value might be less.
If I have to pick something, I'd say the thumb clusters. I barely use the top ones in the center because they're a bit of an awkward reach for my hand size. The bottom ones on the outside are also weird because you'd need to do some finger curl or move your hands. I just ended up mapping the keys I don't use as much over there and it hasn't been an issue, but it is some wasted potential :)
I have first lobes on both ears and since last month a helix/flat on my right! I am quite sensitive to nickel so for most of my life, I tried having earrings but always reacted badly. I didn't get my lobes properly done at a piercer until 2021 and them using titanium helped. My right lobe is still finicky but we're working on it.
My husband and I really like Wonderbook. It's a campaign game with several chapters. The theming is a bit childlike sometimes but the mechanics are fun.