I've got a job and why should she get a different job when she makes more at the one she's at than she can make anywhere else at the moment. And if they stop taxing tips, she'll really make good money. Plus, that wouldn't hurt her employers bottom line
No reason Iran would want Trump dead? Under the Trump administration, Irans funds dried up and then when Biden and Kamala got in office they had billions flowing so that right there is reason enough imo. And I don't know where you've been but the Russia hoax was proven false long ago. The Steele dossier that it was based on was paid for by the Clinton campaign. One of the lawyers was convicted and sentenced for lying on an application to the FISA court in order to soy on the Trump campaign
I don't know why Biden and Kamalas justice department would lie about. They've been pretty friendly to Iran, even unlocking billions of dollars for them. That's how they were able to fight the war against Israel. Besides, they knew Iran was plotting to assassinate Trump already which is why his security was beefed up the day he got shot
What are you even talking about?