Wow, thanks for this. Those are two very similar flags and I missed this entirely.
Everyone - Now that you know my passphrase, be sure to keep it a secret!
Wow, thanks for this. Those are two very similar flags and I missed this entirely.
Everyone - Now that you know my passphrase, be sure to keep it a secret!
Are you happy with the Kiyo X?
I ordered mine from and they happily shipped to Canada. It has worked fine in Canada, the US, and Barbados (eSIM and physical SIM).
I like the phone a lot, but whenever it's talked about I'm surprised how many people feel the urge to chime in on why it wouldn't work for them.
I'd say my biggest gripe is lack of accessories. I paid the huge price for the official screen protector twice. They both cracked relatively quickly and there are pretty much no other options. I'm using a flexible matte-finish screen protector from Amazon now, but it scratches really easily and will slide around on the screen if I keep my phone in my back pocket.
When you put about:support
into the Firefox URL bar, do you see evidence that your GPU is being used? I'm not sure which settings, exactly, would indicate that, but mine, under "GPU #1" has "Active: Yes."
Lots of GPU-related options are also disabled, but I still get a smooth Google Earth experience.
As someone who lives rurally, I just want to make sure everyone is aware of how important mail service is. FedEx, UPS, DHL won't deliver to us - not even to our nearest town. If we absolutely need something and they won't ship Canada Post, we have it sent to a friend's house a 1.5 hour drive away.
Do this! Years ago a very nice post lady asked me if I wanted to get flyers in my mail. I said "hell no." And, now I don't! Now I just get junk mail from companies that send their junk as actual mail. So, 100% my credit card company.
I can assure you there are many women out there who aren't picking men just so they can brag about their interests. If your concern is trying to find a partner, making negative, sweeping generalizations about women isn't going to work in your favour.
I mean "interesting," as in, have some depth, be passionate about things. I don't think it matters if it's sky diving or stamp collecting, just don't make "getting girls" your thing. There are people, and for a time I was among them, who just do things because they think that's what's going to woo the ladies. But, how interesting is that?
I'll grant you that some interests may be more conducive to meeting potential partners, but surely there's something you care about that has some aspect that can get you out of the house. I like computers and I also don't care to leave the house. It turns out, I love computers enough that I will tolerate going to conferences and meetups. 🤷♂️
Do you like dogs (Or cats, I guess)? The animal rescue I volunteer with skews heavily towards women. Help some animals, make some friends.
Of course, don't just do it to meet women. If current me had some relationship advice for younger me, it would be to be patient and just make sure you're out there doing things you actually like doing. And be interesting, which, comes from getting out into the world and doing things you like.
I don't really want to give some of your hyperbolic statements credibility by replying, but - I've been loving Mudeer for tiling. I'm not sure if it qualifies as a true tiling window manager and my setup does straddle the line between tiling and floating, but it works great for me.
I call what I'm doing "time journalling," but that might not be the correct term. Every day I get a new note, I have a keyboard shortcut that puts in the time, and I write what I'm doing. I also have a template for meetings. I use a global shortcut to bring up this note no matter what desktop I'm in, so I always have a note taking surface an 'F10' away.
Next, I have "work tracking" notes. In my example below is "LRSF 2024". So any time I'm working on that I just link to it from my daily note and for the most part, that note just exists so I can scroll through all the work I've done on that project using the "Linked mentions" section.
I also have some tags like "PersonalComputing" if it's related to making something on my computer work, or another tag if it's a fun/interesting story I might want to remember.
The overhead of this system feels a bit high, but, I have been sticking with it since December or so. I'd say it has been most useful for answering questions like "What happened this day?" I have been able to find things related to work by linking to work tracking notes, but, I'm not sure how that's going to scale as time goes on.
Actually, a second thing I'm not sure about - I haven't been very good about integrating information I want to keep accessible long-term in with my other notes. It used to be if I figured something out about 'ibus' (for example), I'd add it to some "Linux desktop" note. I'm more likely now to just let it live in my daily notes. On the one hand, I might be more likely to write things down because there isn't the friction of going to find the right note and worrying about formatting. On the other hand, it seems likely this information will get harder to find if it all lives in date-titled notes.
Anyway, so that's all my "work" vault. I do something similar for a "Journalling" vault, but I'm not as happy with that setup.
A late addition: I also like using check boxes for things I need to get back to - it's super fast to do and lets me get back to it later. You can search for unchecked check boxes, so at my weekly review I have a saved search that shows me all the things I thought I should do. Then I either do them or move them to my to-do app. This way I know if there's an unchecked check box in my "DailyLog" folder, it needs attention.
Some of the videos of this are really frustrating to watch. Like, what are you trying to do!? You just found your spot, now you're coming back out?? More circling, stopping, going back, going forward. Uughghhh..