The following command works even though I really don't think I should have permission to the key file:
$ openssl aes-256-cbc -d -pbkdf2 -in etc_backup.tar.xz.enc -out etc_backup.tar.xz -k /etc/ssl/private/etcBackup.key
I'm unable to even ascertain the existence of the key file under my normal user. I'm a member of only two groups, my own group and vboxusers
The permissions leading up to that file:
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4010 Jul 31 08:01 etc
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 206 Jul 14 23:52 ssl
drwx------ 1 root root 26 Jul 31 14:07 private
-rw------- 1 root root 256 Jul 31 14:07 etcBackup.key
OpenSSL isn't setuid:
> ls -la $(which openssl)
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1004768 Jul 14 23:52 /usr/bin/openssl
There don't appear to be any ACLs related to that key file:
> sudo getfacl /etc/ssl/private/etcBackup.key
[sudo] password for root:
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: etc/ssl/private/etcBackup.key
# owner: root
# group: root
> sudo lsattr /etc/ssl/private/etcBackup.key
---------------------- /etc/ssl/private/etcBackup.key
Finally, it's not just the case that the original file was encrypted with an empty file:
> openssl aes-256-cbc -d -pbkdf2 -in etc_backup.tar.xz.enc -out etc_backup.tar.xz -k /etc/ssl/private/abc.key
bad decrypt
4047F634B67F0000:error:1C800064:Provider routines:ossl_cipher_unpadblock:bad decrypt:providers/implementations/ciphers/ciphercommon_block.c:124
Does anyone know what I've missed here?
My dog was getting dental work done and my vet was worried about her leg. She said while my dog was sedated she'd throw her up under the x-ray to take a look at the joint. "Well that's super nice!" I thought.
I leave my dog at the vet and get a call an hour or so later. It's the vet, she says she's really sorry but not only can she not do that x-ray for free, but I'll have to pay a consult fee too if they're going to look at anything not related to the teeth. She was very apologetic.
When I go to get my dog we're going over discharge notes and at the end this poor vet says "I now need to recommend this particular water supplement. I don't use it with my dogs. Some people think it's expensive and ineffective. If you think you might be interested I can also tell you about other options that may be more effective."
This poor woman who was all happy and concerned about my dog turned into someone who seemed supremely uncomfortable. I can only imagine it was VCA that was forcing this vet to go contrary to what she felt was best.