I design lots of things that go to space
Well, luckily for all of us, that’s his problem and his mistake to make. We can all just hang out on our unaffected instances
The Mary Poppins remake. To be honest, the movie was ok, but what really ruined it for me was the fact that a girl asked me out on a date to see the movie, then decided I wasn’t The One halfway through and just up and left
I had two android phones. The first one bricked itself after about a year, and the replacement was unusable a year later (even google maps was laggy). The second one suffered the same fate, with the added fun of being abandoned by Samsung after only 1 major android update
I noticed you didn’t say it has to be the main propulsive motors. So can I do things like seat motors, AC motor, and hyperspace drive?
Treat savings like a bill, not a bonus. Moreover, set up a second bank account (or, even better, a roboadvisor like Betterment or Wealthfront) and set up automatic transfers each month
Oh heavens! I can’t deal with this level of SHOCK!
To each their own. I’m glad you enjoy mastodon
Instructions unclear. Will fill entire car with Duracells and then take picture
I think your posts here are quality
TL;DR for people who don’t want to read the article:
EV’s are losing range, likely due to increased AC usage during hot weather.
Theoretically extreme heat can cause batteries to degrade, but modern EV’s have thermal management and probably can keep their batteries cool.