I actually have this shirt. I think he would be really good for US politics, but I can respect that he also doesn't want to be involved (outside of his 9/11 activism, of course).
Drinkbox Studio (Guacamelee 1 & 2, Nobody Saves the World), Capybara Games (Sword & Sworcery, Super Time Force Ultra, Below, Grindstone), and Thunder Lotus (Spiritfarer) are Canadian as well, to name a few.
This feels like something from Internet Comment Etiquette.
Oh good, I was worried.
I just feel so bad for the kids getting sick. It's essentially child abuse.
It's an action RPG (like old Zelda games) with an interesting twist: as you work your way through the game you're restoring the world and its inhabitants. I think it's worth a try, at least.
I thought we were all paid in beans.
No problem, I recognized it instantly cause I played the hell out of that game.
Never thought I'd see Soul Blazer used for a meme.
This is literally the first I ever heard of it.
To quote the great Maynard James Keenan:
🎵 Is this what you wanted?
Is this what you had in mind?
Is this what you wanted?
'Cause this, this is what you're getting
I hope, I hope, I hope you choke 🎵
I'm from Montreal originally. We call ourselves Quebecers.