Anchorman 2. The first is such a great movie start to finish with so many legendary quotable lines. The second could never have compared to the original. Sticking with Will Ferrell, I really hope noone ever gets the idea to make a Step Brothers 2.
joined 2 years ago
Neighbor outraged after HOA decides to tear down 12-year-old home over new rule change: ‘How is that even legal?’
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Wax paper is non-stick so has a lot of different uses as long as you aren't heating it up. For example you could put some down while you roll out cookie dough if you don't want to clean flour off your countertop. Can use it to make decorations for your baked goods like chocolate strings or something similar. Drizzle the melted chocolate on the wax paper and once it cools and hardens it will come right off.