Ethics are for those who can afford them, catharsis is a tune we can all dance to
Sounds to me like Meridia is coming back through that big ole space hole there son
We can still dream tho
And in that statement you've answered your first question
I dunno what them big words mean, but I see a yes in there and thats all I need to hear
Never figured my rage induced post would spurr such eggceptional responses
What's with the fucking eggs, why does everyone focus on fucking eggs. There's more food than God damn eggs for fucks sake
No need to apologize, this rant needs to be here, even if it's just so I know I'm not crazy.
We know who fucked it up anyhow. It's the same folks who vote against zoning in new residential, or for a charged express lane. They don't even need to talk about it, they're all on the same page. "People like me deserve a more convenient life."
The real shame is, the population who's most adversely affected by this crap is too tired at the end of the week to even keep an eye out for this. Let alone read up on what the right vote would even be.
Ours had some theater kid pretend to be dead for a week and did a fake memorial on the football field. They played it like he was actually killed while driving drunk.
I also remember not really caring cuz I didn't know him, and wondered why the whole school had to pretend to care. I kinda wonder if it was puberty that made me not care or if I just ain't got that empathy in me.
Tell me about it dude! I'm from goddamn California, the supposed "bastion" of liberal values and these fuckwits out here couldn't even vote to abolish prison labor cus "might increase cost of (unspecified) some services". Apparently they meant firefighting
The trash around me can eat the shit off my nastiest goddamn hemorrhoid
Like eggs, but I can live without.