Toy soldiers
We already have self-driving vehicles, they are called public transit
His corruption and Russophobia are the tip of the iceberg. He is also a Zionist and an Israeli double agent
Their Arab vassals next 🤞
Them nefarious Arabs. If they power their country with fossil fuels, it is because they don’t care about the environment. If they invest in renewables and clean energy, it is because they want to sell more fossil fuels and don’t care about the environment. What an enlightened mindset!
FYI: Saudi Arabia has the capacity to produce 3 million more barrels a day. So no this isn’t about exporting more oil.
How did the cunt know when to sell?
When the US government is doing its job we get a genocide. Maybe it is better if its nerfed in some way...
The young democrats aren’t any better
Reminder: Palestine was liberated once before from the Crusaders and not by convincing the European invaders of human rights or any other value but through force.
No one should be delusional that a western colonial project backed by western powers will someday recognize the humanity of Palestinians. The only principle that the west understands is might makes right. That is the principle they have applied towards colonized peoples. Everything they say above human rights is a thin veneer over that brutal truth.
So the war, boycotts and sanctions were for nil?