Can we just have both entities annihilate each other? Please? They're both shit
It's not a now thing. It's already here. My thermostat, sprinkler controller, and rice cooker all run Android
And if that public company has stock in the toilet it's worth fuck all to unload
Federated directories. We're going back to Yahoo like it's 1995
And it's still worse than a picture of a hill in Sonoma
Replace the CEO with an AI. They're both good at lying and telling people what they want to hear, until they get caught
overwatch style
You mean team fortress style
Can't wait for them to never roll it out
Alexa and Google home came out nearly a decade ago
I quite like kagis universal summarizer, for example. It let's me know if a long ass YouTube video is worth watching
So you want Kagi
Google has been doing on device stuff since at least the pixel 3