A couple of decades ago, iirc, SANS.org ( IF I'm remembering who it was who did it ) put a fresh-install of MS-Windows on a machine, & connected it to the internet.
It took SEVERAL MINUTES for it to be broken-into, & corrupted, botnetted.
The auto-attacks by botnets are continuous: hitting different ports, trying to break-in, automatically.
I've had linux desktops pwned from me.
the internet should be considered something like a mix of toxic & corrosive chemicals: "maybe" your hand will be fine, if you dip it in for a moment & immediately rinse it off ( for 3 hours ), but if you leave you limbs dwelling in the virulent slop, Bad Things(tm) are going to happen, sooner-or-later.
I used to de-infest Windows machines for my neighbours...
haven't done it in years: they'll not pay-for good anti-virus, they'll not resist installing malware: therefore there is no point.
Let 'em rot.
I've got a life to work-on uncrippling, & too-little strength/time left.
"but I don't need antivirus: i never get infected!!"
then how come I needed to de-infest it for you??
"but I don't need an immune-system: pathogens are a hoax!!"
get AIDS, then, & don't use anti-AIDS drugs, & see how "healthy" you are, 2 years in.
Same argument, different context-mapping.
Tarpit was a wonderful-looking invention, for Linux's netfilter/iptables, years ago: don't help botnets scan quickly & efficiently to help them find a way to break-in...
Anyways, just random thoughts from an old geek...
EDIT: "when do I need to wear a seatbelt?"
is essentially the same category of question.
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They are going to ignore all laws that are inconvenient to them:
IF Trump isn't permitted to run, maybe they'll run with a placeholder, then have Trump be shoehorned-in somehow, perhaps by Republican-electorate decree...
Legalists, same today as in Yehoshua "Jesus" benJoseph's day, pick & choose which pieces of the letter-of-the-law that they acknowledge.
That has always been their fundamental tactic, along with gaslighting.
Notice how the West held-to Natural Law ( morally-based Law ) in prosecuting Nazis, but .. as soon as that was done .. the West decided that Legal Posit-ivism ( legalism ) is the West's right, and nobody has any right to be threatening any privilege through moral-law, as legalism prohibited that sort of behaviour.
Nothing's changed: human-nature is the same, now, as it was back in the Christian bible's times.
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