I've been told that to start a fight in Francophones, just demand to know whether grapefruit ( pamplemousse, iirc ), is male or female...
: P
The book "The Alphabet Versus The Goddess" by Leonard Shlain, makes the point that women's-rights simply don't progress as quickly, in countries which have gendered languages...
So, Anglo cultures pushed women's-rights, whereas Latin cultures .. won't, don't, drag their heels, etc...
That book is now a couple ?decades? old?
It's still true.
Conditioning an entire population's System-1 ( Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking Fast & Slow", the System-1 is the default-instinct & the trained-now-automatic-expertise system, it also is the system that is both addiction & prejudice ) into gendering everything, automatically, may well prevent equal-validity from ever having place...
Mind you, I now want to see which Nordic/Scandi languages are gendered, & which Middle-East languages are gendered, to see if that holds in those parts of the world, not just in the Americas...
... digging ...
( that isn't a quick read... may come back to it some day... )
"The grammatical gender of nouns is one of two: a noun may be masculine or it may be feminine, and there is no neutral option. Moreover, masculinity is the default grammatical gender in Arabic and a word does not have to have anything special in order to reflect this. Femininity, on the other hand, is not default and a noun would have to have something special to reflect this gender in Arabic."
So, there is ZERO hope of equal-validity in Arabic culture, because the language programs Arabic people's System-1 into 2 exclusive validity-categories, with male being inherently more-valid, by established language-habit.
What about Hebrew?
No wonder women can't get equal-validity in Jewish culture...
( I read a Jewess's writing ~ Nobody EVERY celebrated the birth of a Jewish girl: only boys are celebrated ~ .. which explains the damage in the stereotypical "Jewish mother", a woman whose validity has been contempted by all in her culture, until the damage is her most defining feature... )
So, it looks like equal-rights/equal-validity for women is .. baseless, in some/many cultures...
Interesting, but depressing.
: \
and if you consider that "economic barrier to entry" can make any bigger company, who is able to scoop a startup's code & sell the use of it, can extinguish the startup who created the code ...
then, yes, there are definitely situations where protection-against-competitors, some of whom have DEEP pockets, could be an actual requirement, for opensourcing one's code.
"Coopetition" Bill Gates coined, where you "cooperate" with your competitors, but, being Microsoft, you do it so you can snuff them, soon.
I can definitely see why a company would want to be able to allow limited use of their code, globally, but to legally-prohibit using it to destroy them.