The weird thing is, Kinderüberraschung actually was gender neutral when I was a kid.
Not sure when they started doing this, but in the past there only was one version of it and it was a standard kids dessert/toy
Maybe because the goal of feminism is to have more equally not to bolster the ranks of marginalised people with even more women.
Maybe if men wanted to have more women in these jobs they shouldn't be so fucking hostile and sometimes dangerous to women.
Maybe if men hadn't built a society with only men in mind, including when designing equipment, procedures, etc., for these jobs, maybe women had a better chance doing them?
I never thought it would bother me, until I actually sat in a car where everything was dependent on software the first time.
At first I thought I was just getting old. But it dawned on me that relying on software to fucking roll down the windows or starting the car doesn't feel too good.
(It was also an extreme jump in technology for me because the last car I drove before that was an old Corsa around the year ~2005.)
Noita definitely cost me some sweat and tears.