What, me worry?
How about using Apple's "Book" app on a Mac?
Jan in the Pan!
When the child killer knocks on the door and asks where the kids are, you don't tell him the truth.
I've seen speculation that Turkey will get F-16s in return.
Looking forward to seeing Orban cornered.
FYI, I saw another comment today that @[email protected] does NOT (yet) identify/label itself as a bot. So, blocking bots in settings wouldn't kill this one (haven't checked myself).
Thank you for this. I'd upvote you, but you've already taken care of that.
And that bot is blocked by me now. Any other bots doing similar work for Skynet?
I will add it to my ever-expanding To Do list!
My European colleagues would always use the word "coloborate" in a positive way. It only reminded me of collaboration during WW2.
Sorry dude/dudette.
I've been thinking lately that if Nixon hadn't been pardoned, we never would have been here today.