
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Mostly Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Feels like this game took half a step forward and two steps back, compared to the first part. It tries to do a lot of things and doesn't do many well. There's minigames-ish for so many things. The open-world stuff kinda tries to be Assassin's Creed lite, but all zones are huge, but pretty empty, with the same two types of "events" in them (go somewhere or fight). Of course, the game has a shitty crafting system, so you can pick up material in the empty zones. Combat is a bit better than before, but then the devs managed to craft the perfect enemies to make some fights feel like hell, even worse than the worst fights in Remake, and I'm not even done with the game yet. I've played the game for 40 hours, but the story has barely moved. I think there's supposed to be an alternate timeline, but I think I've seen like five minutes of it. It's been pretty disappointing so far, but I still like the characters, so I'll continue playing.

Then a bit Baldur's Gate 3. Started another Honor Mode run, going with pretty much the same party build as my first run, where I almost made it. The full fighter playthrough has to wait for the next Patch.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I really have to get back to this. I played through Doom 1 and 2 when it first dropped, then wanted to go through Final Doom (Evilution and Plutonia) for the first time, but got distracted with other games.

There were also some minor bugs, that I hoped would be fixed, but to be honest, I don't even know what they were.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

I see this is going nowhere. I hope you have a great day.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago (3 children)

I thought you might get confused here.

I engaged with one specific part here of your post, I even quoted it. No mention of NIS or the new Smooth Motion tech and how good they are. This was all just how I think AMD didn't really invest actual development, maybe brought something functional, but not competitive, and hasn't really been working together with the FOSS community.

Please show me where I shifted the goal posts. You did it time and time again, when I asked for examples for your accusations, but you couldn't provide any.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Nah, I got that you didn't mean it seriously, but I didn't just want to correct the mistake and make it seems like you were talking nonsense.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago (5 children)

Naturally that would defeat your entire attempt at arguing I’m an AMD fanboy thus jeopardising your “ironclad” protection of the self identification with NVIDIA.

No, you simply are an AMD fanboy. As you've shown in basically all of you comments here.

Yes, t’was trash in Dead Space, however, it’s free so it cost me nothing to have trash rather than a kidney.

Again, ignoring the examples that contradict your argument. NVIDIA has bad DLSS implementation, they're bad, AMD doesn't matter, they can't do wrong.

Here go to forks then commits and you’ll see a wide community including non AMD staff.

Ok, but if you look at these examples, lots of times, AMD is just dumping the code, sometimes do a few commits, and then nothing. Like I said multiple times, it seems like AMD is doing the minimum amount of work and hope others finish.

Then the tons of forks, what do they matter, if nothing comes of it. I asked you which dev worked on FSR1 or 2, to improve it and released something.

TressFX and several other tech has been open and industry leadig. Apple’s Metal, DX12 and Vulkan itself benefited from AMD’s push for mantle by the BF4 release. People have a convenient habit to forget the FOSS initiatives that end up resulting in pearls like proton, DxVK, et al.

Finally, one single example, where AMD possibly didn't just do the minimum amount of work and hope others do the rest (although who knows how much of it was DICE, but let's give AMD the benefit of the doubt. I also don't really care about your other examples like proton or DxVK. I never said FOSS are bad or something. This is just about AMD and how they (seemingly) handle their open source stuff.

As for your EVGA or Apple examples, you are constantly expanding the scope of the argument. First, it's about how DLSS ruins game visual. Then it's NVIDIA basically sabotaging games and crippling their performance. Now you're bringing past business partners into the mix, because you can't answer the initial question.

Please show me, where I said NVIDIA has never done anything wrong and Jensen is a saint. Yes, NVIDIA can be a shitty and greedy company. They might be a pain to work with. They do shitty stuff, basically because they're the top dog right now. However, you are basically blaming everything that's wrong in the world on them, and when asked for anything to back it up, you talk nonsense.

Next, your Assassin's Creed example. Ubisoft and NVIDIA are pointing fingers at each other, but you think it must be all NVIDIAs fault? And even if they are solely responsible, that's two examples of NVIDIA casing problems with games in what, 30 years? Doesn't seem too bad to me, unless you got anything else.

I’m also happy you chose to ignore the EU anticompetitive suit that is ongoing and I referenced (that one goes beyond AI and includes bundling of technologies).

Hey, just like you're ignoring something I said, I do the same thing. Call me when that suit is done.

Imma be honest, I don't know why you brought NVIDIA into this. I just criticized AMD and FSR, but you couldn't just show me examples of how I'm wrong, you mostly had to tell me that NVIDIA are the devil.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

I mean yes, but in reality people are just standing in front of the auction house or bank on their new $90 mount.

Also, the game has tons of auction houses in all the different cities anyway. Auction House flippers, can stand anywhere, but players in the current expansion are staying in the current capital anyway (and Orgrimmar or Stormwind). So I guess not really.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 weeks ago (7 children)

Literally this week

So you don't get what I meant, ok. You can mod DLSS into games that don't support it, that doesn't mean it's customizable. I was talking about the actual FSR upscaling implementation. Basically, no one cares that FSR is open source because no devs are putting any work into it to make it better. So in practice, this isn't a positive.

just one of the many games where the implementation was shit. FSR is better because it’s free and open

Like I said, FSR being open source doesn't mean anything, because nobody is working on it, AMD included. FSR in Dead Space was a blurry mess, so by your logic it's garbage.

I’m fanboying for FOSS, open software and open standards that foster competition and new ideas.

In theory yes, but not how AMD is doing it. When they try to catch up with NVIDIA tech, they do the bare minimum and hope someone else finishes the work, which doesn't work.

That’s before we mention their recent app which is problematic.

Does that mean AMD is terrible, because they had problems with their drivers? Or when Adrenalin causes problems?

Almost, every single game made with NV support has been plagued by performance issues.

Got any examples, that are NVIDIAs fault? I remember the Tessellation stuff in Crysis. Anything more recent, that isn't just game runs bad, so it must be NVIDIAs fault?

Perhaps you should re-examine why you’re so antithetical to criticism of NVIDIA, maybe you merged your definition of self with the brand and that’s you react so emotionally when someone points out how detrimental of an organisation NVIDIA is.

I'm not against criticism of NVIDIA. I'm against baseless accusations, that are often just conspiracy theories, without any evidence. It mostly just comes down to NVIDIA bad.

That's why I'm saying you are an AMD fanboy. A lot of the examples you mentioned can also apply to AMD, but you just ignore them, and it doesn't matter to you. AMD supports FOSS, so they can't do wrong and are the good guys.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 weeks ago (3 children)

oops, typo on my part

[–] [email protected] 29 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (8 children)

The looks don't matter, probably very few people will use this to get around in the world.

It has an Auction House and Mail NPC. So you can just stand around anywhere, flipping stuff or buy something last minute before a dungeon or raid.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (9 children)

uses FSR on edge devices and can customise it to their liking

Everybody can customize it, but nobody does, that's my point.

Conversely, DLSS and similar tech has only accomplished making games run like shit and deprive us of non blurry images

What? How is it doing that? Also, why is DLSS the reason for blurry images, but FSR is better?

Nvidia is rent seeking and I don’t want to pay them rent

What are you even talking about?

I’m not interested into being dragged into a fanboyism war

It looks like you've already joined the fanboy war on the side of AMD.

another I dislike because instead of pushing the industry forward is promoting shit game optimisation and hobbling game engines through MDF bribery making gaming less accessible to everyone.

Case in point. And more conspiracies.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 weeks ago (13 children)

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but

unlike the competition who has a, together with the FOSS community,

I don't think that has worked out too well for AMD so far. It feels like they just do the bare minimum, release and hope someone else finishes the job.

FSR is open source, and the only noteworthy thing I remember is No Mans Sky on Switch with a surprisingly good custom implementation. Nobody else bothered.

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