Crash the commercial real estate market, buy up properties.
You know, “Presidential”.
Crash the commercial real estate market, buy up properties.
You know, “Presidential”.
I’m paraphrasing of course but “shits fucked yo” is pretty close.
At least CBS bravely folded like a wet tissue.
I’m so sorry. That is such a hard but kind act - to give them peace when the time comes. It’s a gesture of love back for all they give us.
The one my wife and I voted in.
Also ask him to lend you the unicorn when he gets back from fucking Narnia.
Hey remember the claims that nobody respected us under President Biden?
They did. They trusted and collaborated with us. So much for that for a while.
It depends vastly on the subject, audience and source of information.
I’m not going to disagree with a room of experts aligned on a conclusion based on data and verified study. Actual knowledge is in fact knowledge and a contrarian opinion, no matter how passionately expressed, is not equivalent to it.
Being contrarian solely to go against the popular position is laughably simplistic.
Everyone knows this.
I've never once watched the View and yet am certain I will find a way to watch this even less.
…and people kept saying he was compromised by Russia.
How silly!