As someone who had their tech confiscated by german police (not due to hatespeech though but something else I do not wish to talk about) I can tell you, suddenly loosing pretty much all of your hardware is no fun at all. Especially since you won't be seeing it again for a long time, in my case it took about 2 years and that was with a settlement outside of court.
joined 8 months ago
There is also a additional "Pulp" ruleset that turns Player Characters from normal Humans into "Heros" giving them more of an ~~edge~~ chance in actually fighting off the Horror, Combat is still very brutal and death is always very close, same as insanity
Nothing suprising here, didn't Financial Minister Smotrich say that Gaza should be nuked months ago?
Theoretisch Die Linke, wenn du was extremeres wünscht MLPD (Maoismus(?))oder SGP (Trotzkismus), je nach Geschmacksrichtung. Diesmal nicht dabei sind die DKP (noch am ehesten marxistisch-leninistischer nachfolger der KPD) oder wenn du es anarchistischen mögen solltest die APPD