It's ww2 all over again!
joined 2 years ago
My pleasure. I will mention, that unless the author changed the program since last I used it, it also has a small popup every ten minutes or so, asking if you'd like to buy it. Remarkably, I didn't find this terribly annoying, and forgot all about it until writing this comment - so don't let that be a hindrance!
This is a very good paraphrase from an excellent series, Yes Prime Minister (formerly Yes Minister). In the scene, the Prime Minister (dude in the middle) is explaining to the Permanent Secretary (dude on the left) the difference between the various English newspapers. The Permanent Secretary is famous for giving lengthy and exceptionally convoluted monologues in which he says nearly nothing
The watermark is only applied if something is printed directly from Fade In: export and print somewhere else and there should be no watermark. As for the formatting, I don't recall - but I do know, that everything is configurable; so you can make the formatting the same, if it differs