It’s why I went with TrueNAS. It has built in support for VMs and containers in K3s. So far it’s been super nice. A lot to read up on, but you seem to have the same background as me so it should be fine. I find it fun!
My thoughts exactly! I recon that I’ll probably keep the case the longest of all, out of all those a hardware.
My trick is setting a monthly saving for this a few years ago. Today me thanks past me.
Also, I started out with 2x 4TB in raid 1 in my previous server. Or really just an unused desktop with a 1TB disk before that.
About half the cost was just the disks 😅
I searched far and wide for the perfect chassis. Silverstone make some awesome stuff.
I haven’t dared summed it up yet. It’s been purchased over a stretch of time. Guesstimating to around €3000.
He stated that every USB PD compliant phone acted as two iPhones do. Non-compliant ones act random.
Seems to be the case for Androids with USB PD also is my point.
Isn’t it just USB-C PD? I think they do the same with Androids that support it.
Traditionella inlämningsuppgifter är i stort sett obefintliga. Det finns fortfarande uppgifter som du utför själv hemma, men examination innebär att din lärare ställer frågor om din lösning som du svarar på.
Ovan är ett enskilt exempel. Generellt är det betydligt mer resursintensivt och ställer höga krav på läraren, men faktiska kunskaper testas istället för förmågan att tavla fakta.
Det finns så klart fall där det inte är så också, men det är inte så relevant här.
Surely Android provides security updates?