No, it's complaining about how some games are so swingy that even with skill-based matchmaking the game always seems to be a landslide in one direction or the other.
Overwatch is the worst for this.
Game one: We absolutely steamroll and as tank I do more than both DPS players put together. Yay.
Game two: We get our asses kicked and some Ana who doesn't know to switch or group up when they're getting dived spends the whole endgame screaming how awful our tank is.
Whoever decided it was okay to hold electronics together with glue instead of screws needs to go The Hague.
refused to give them a reason to vote for them
If stopping fascism isn't enough of a reason for you to vote Dems, that's a you problem and not a them problem.
Fuel? I'm honestly surprised two-wheelers in India haven't been completely been overtaken by electrics, at least outside of the modern traffic infrastructure of Mumbai. I've only been there a few times but so much of what I saw (mostly in Thiruvananthapuram) was urban design where the high speed and power of a motorbike wouldn't be very useful (at least as a solo rider not carrying a heavy load like a passenger or anything) - slow, cramped, chaotic traffic on dusty zig-zagging roads.
It's not as funny when stripped from the context that the comic was drawn 5 years ago.
for everybody reading this who haven't tried them already:
The meds help a lot. Stop overthinking it and just get the meds.
I'm not sure how this is misogynistic. If you swap the genders of everybody involved, it would still be fun.
Let's imagine a crazy hypothetical: It's Alternate Reality 1993. Margaret Thatcher retains control of the UK government, having won the leadership election in 1990, but has become increasingly unhinged from her long rule and is now publicly proposing reabsorbing Upper and Lower Canada back into the UK and is relentlessly mocking then-Canadian-PM Kim Campbell about it.
Canada-UK relations are hopelessly soured.
And also there are incessant rumours about the Iron Lady having sexual fantasies about her son Mark.
And, in the winter of Alternate Reality 1993, ousted former-PM Kim Campbell (known political foe of Margaret Thatcher), has a public and torrid affair with Sir Mark Thatcher, making neo-imperialist Margaret Thatcher furious.
That would be hilarious.
Exactly. Which means he's free. Free to cause whatever mayhem he likes without worrying about losing an election.
Personally I'd never want to see him screw up a happy family with young kids though.
That's why he should boink Melania, not Ivanka. Also she's actually Trudeau's age.
The end of an era. Now I'm nostalgic over their awful '90s games like Shogo. Was also such a shame that AvsP2 never got re-released because it was permanently trapped in rights hell.