Sliced turkey, pear, and feta ๐ค
Maybe for future astroturfing?
I've installed a bidet attachment as a renter. Make sure you use plumbers tape and, after your install, leave a piece of paper under the installation overnight to make sure it's not leaking. When you leave, uninstalling is pretty easy.
I'm sure different communities have different reasons for hating Fortnite. I think the primary reason in the communities I run in is that Fortnite used to be a completely different game that was perpetually in development. Then, PUBG popularized the battle royale formula, and Epic sorta just copied that into Fortnite and gave it away for free to essentially steal the audience that PUBG had built.
I don't really play multiplayer games, so I didn't have a dog in the fight. I can understand the hate though. It must be hard to watch the game you love start to bleed players because a massive corporation copies their product, gives it away for free, and makes it up on the back-end by letting players pay to look like popular characters they have emotional attachments to.
I guess the reason it stopped is because it's just hard to sustain hatred for a product for long.
I had a similar experience with The Witcher, but the first one. Bounced off the game twice. Third time was the charm. I fell in love with it and then ended up playing the other games in the series as they came out. I'm not sure what made me keep trying, but I'm glad I did.
Long before that, when Morrowind was released, I couldn't quite understand it. I had grown up on JRPGs, and the openness of Western RPGs was confusing. I kept trying and eventually fell in love with it too. This opened up a whole new genre for me.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown had a similar effect for turn-based strategy games and Elden Ring for Soulsborne games. I'm still looking for the games that will open my eyes to several genres. I occasionally try games in genres I don't typically like in hopes this will be the one. It's really cool to have that new door opened for you.
I'm @[email protected]. My activity ebbs and flows over there, but my interests are games, urbanism, technology, and various other things.
What's the best way to link to that? I don't think I've done it right.
I would add to this community migration, which will be important as instances start going offline. User migration is great, but, whereas on Mastodon, the content lives on the user, I believe here it lives on the community.
The fing-longer is definitely my favorite answer, but the what-if machine has to be the actual answer, right?
I tried it as well, and it's pretty simple if you're comfortable in a terminal or on the command line.
On macOS, I used DB Browser for SQLite to view the data, and that works pretty well. Installed with Homebrew: brew install --cask db-browser-for-sqlite
. Then, I just launched the new app and opened the reddit.db
file. That file gets created wherever you run reddit-user-to-sqlite
Yes, many parts of MGS 1, but some that stand out for me:
- Colonel Campbell breaking the fourth wall and telling you to look on the back of the game box
- Psycho Mantis moving the controller with his mind
- Psycho Mantis talking about your other Konami save data
Illucia: the town of Final Fantasy. This was a Final Fantasy fan site, but themed as a town from a Final Fantasy. This isn't a town ripped out of a particular game though. Illucia was an entirely original town with original art created by fan Tatsushi Nakao.
Before the release of FF7, it was themed after a town from the 16-bit era of Final Fantasy. To navigate the town, the user was presented with a clickable server-side image map, where clicking on different buildings in the town would take the user to a page on the site that was thematically appropriate to the building.
Quick aside: a history lesson on image maps. Image maps were a technique that allowed for a single image to be linked to multiple different places based on where the user clicked it. In the later years of image maps, the web site developer ("webmaster" to use the period-appropriate nomenclature ๐) could define the different clickable areas in HTML and the browser would handle requesting the correct URL based on where the user clicked. This is a client-side image map. Before browsers had this capability though, browsers would instead send the clicked coordinates to a server-side script โ often written in Perl, I think โ which would translate the coordinates and send back the corresponding page.
Anyway, after the release of FF7, Illucia was reworked in that style. I believe in this iteration, the user would interact with it by using the arrow keys to walk an actual character avatar around the town and enter various buildings rather than clicking on a (relatively) simple image map.
Just like the FF series did, the site sorta lost its luster for me at that point. Final Fantasy had gone from an ensemble cast of quirky but warm characters and brightly colored pixel art to a blue and gray mess of blurry, pre-rendered environments and low-poly brooding characters that looked bad at the time and aged even worse. I pretty much stopped visiting, but I still fondly remember those old pixel art days of Illucia.
Sadly, I haven't been able to find any trace of it online anymore aside from one brief mention in another online article. If anyone knows of anything, please send it my way!