Experienced this when I went to Barcelona a few years back. Lovely city, but stepping out into the street felt like stepping into a cigar bar.
I dig this — sometimes you just want to do a little “adventure”. I’ve never not ate for a week, but have done similar things.
Just wanted to ask about eating disorder because I’ve had friends who’ve done similar things and it always makes me sad.
I needed this explanation
Was this part of an eating disorder? A week of not eating for a person who can already cycle 12 miles seems unusual.
(Hope that’s not too sensitive to ask, feel free not to respond)
I appreciated the pic you posted, even if I’m not in the place to want to purchase adventures currently.
Nice work.
Hmmm… I found an old magazine in their listings, but can’t for the life of me find out how to read it.
You may be joking, but as long as you’re actually good at what you do, being a dickhead can be a winning strategy.
I’ve never been able to do it myself, but know many who have.
Where the fuck do these images come from? Like who is pumping these out?
I feel like there’s a secret meme treasure source out there that I’m just too dumb to find.
That blue ps2 looks dope af
Upvoted because I think this is a common perspective. My comment below is for anyone else out there who may feel the same way as you do.
Being a passenger may cause less anxiety, but if safety is your biggest concern, driving yourself is the safest option to get around currently (besides bus/train transport or walking).
Driving is all about strategy. I’ll be transparent and say that it is not a “safe” activity, but I’ll also say that riding in a car driven by someone else is likely less safe than educating yourself on good driving strategy and taking your safety (and the safety of your passengers) into your own hands.
Driving defensively and using good vehicular communication will put you as a driver above 9/10s of the other drivers out there. That 1/10th leftover could hit you as a driver or passenger, but as a passenger, you have no recourse when you see them coming.