A wild sheep chase
They asked about the fullsize model
Not the distilled ones
Droppes binary releases
I love chaotic-aur
That look is either:
I'm the greatest hero who ever lived.
Where have I lost that single braincell I used earlier to bark at the treat that fell to the ground and scared me.
That second example is based on my dog... Sigh
Maybe the one deepin uses
I'm not here to answer your question about "other sensitive communities" but to comment on your case of vampire survivors.
I've never played the game, never intented to but i've heard enough about it and have seen enough of it.
The way you describe your opinion here lets me assume how you've written your post over on that community. You simply say "People do not want games to feel like it's a job [...] and while that may be your opinion it's 1) not everyones opinion and 2) just because the game feels like a job FOR YOU, doesn't mean that it feels like that for everyone.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with making a grindy "addictive" game loop if there are not MTX behind it to "harvest" that addiction.
So i think that's the reason your post got deleted... not because they are "sensitive" but because you think you know better than people and that your opinion is "the truth"
I just used burner mail and phone for the Dev account and was done with it.
They're selling the hardware at a loss and make up by selling data.
If don't fear to sail the high seas, you can completely lock the device out of the internet and simply sideload the games and apps from your PC.
That way you can use one of the best bang for your buck VR devices, enjoy all the games AND actively made Meta lose money
Habe 3 Sonos Play:ONE daheim stehen die ich vor geraumer Zeit gekauft habe.
Die Geräte sind komplett vom Internet abgegetrennt und ich bediene die via Music Assistant 2.0 ohne Probleme.
Gute Geräte aber die absolute enshittification seitens Sonos ist wirklich schade mit anzusehen
i've searched for that aswell and never found anything.. only stuff like bubbleupnp that does the same trick with using screen recording to stream it...
Huh interesting, thanks for the info ✌️
I really do love this newsletter