Zero... point... zero.
"Goodbye Horses" intensifies
Good Omens 2 x Dave the Diver
The N64 was the only Nintendo console I skipped. I just couldn’t afford two consoles and the PlayStation was obviously a better choice, but I still kinda wish I had gotten to experience Ocarina and Majora's Mask when they were brand new and not years later on the GameCube. I played at my friend's houses, but just hated that controller. The Wavebird made it a bit more palatable, but it was still just too "avante garde" for its own good. Feels like I needed yo shove a mop handle in the expansion port and use it as a trident.
Not a very effective belt, though. More of a reminder that a proper physical barrier.
Awwww, it's trying to form coherent thoughts! Keep trying, little buddy! Some day you might find two neurons to rub together!
Those are definitely Cloud Strife's. Dude straight up nicked Cloud's boots when nobody was looking.
Oh, it's worse than that: these are the same people screaming and yelling about "indoctrination" for acknowledging that not everyone is heterosexual or cis-gendered.
Southern Hemisphere. It's late spring there.
Both. And Easter, too.
How long do you think before he just vanishes?