
joined 2 years ago
[–] Rediphile 2 points 1 year ago

"I hate God" said no atheist ever.

[–] Rediphile 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Their reference to atheism as a religion (it isn't) which 'creates its own history' tipped me off.

And their lack of reply to my simple question really says it all. A non-religious could simply reply 'no, obviously I would not believe in him if the experts consensus was they did not exist'. SpaceCowboy however cannot state this, as my suspicion is the expert consensus has no impact on their beliefs whatsoever. Which is why I asked ... why even talk about the expert consensus at all?

Also this comment chain further reinforces my view. Referring to atheists as 'they' implies SpaceCowboy is not an atheist.

And I'd argue that you actually don't know any truly 'rational' people who are also religious as those concepts are fundamentally at odds with each other. There is no rational basis for the supernatural. I'm sure they are generally nice, well-meaning, intelligent and knowledgeable people though, most religious people I know are too. And yes I also know asshole atheists too, lots of them. But I don't see what that has to do with what I stated/asked. I made no assessment on religious or non-religious people being good or bad, smart or stupid. I made no claim that atheists are magically more rational or intelligent than someone else, although on average they may be but I would have to review the data before jumping to any conclusions. I didn't attack SpaceCowboy in any way, I just asked a simple question.

[–] Rediphile 7 points 1 year ago (2 children)

You say it like it matters if the experts said otherwise. Like if the consensus was there never was a Jesus of Nazareth, would you no longer have that oh so important 'faith'?

[–] Rediphile 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Which bill? There was no bill.

[–] Rediphile 4 points 1 year ago (5 children)

When did it even come to a vote? My understanding is they just glossed over entirely.

I'm leaning towards NDP over the others, but depends what they promise closer to the election.

All I'm saying is the Libs will never gain my vote for election reform. They may win my vote in other ways, but not that way.

[–] Rediphile 5 points 1 year ago (9 children)

I'm going to try voting for a party that says they will end first past the post voting, if there are any. Except the party that already have made that promise and not delivered. Fool me twice and all that.

[–] Rediphile -1 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Imagine thinking anyone 'deserves' to be alive when literally everyone ends up dead.

Like if someone deserved to be alive, wouldn't know, stay alive?

[–] Rediphile 1 points 1 year ago

Which is why it's a good thing suicide is a human right we all deserve and have available to us, should we wish to take it.

I agree we don't owe anyone else anything, which is why is see suicide as a right.

[–] Rediphile 3 points 1 year ago

And even when they do, they eventually still die.

It's almost like we all deserve to be not alive, as evidenced by the fact that everyone is eventually not alive.

[–] Rediphile 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

While serving, I highly disliked the wildly inconsistent pay I received due to the tipping system. It makes paying rent on time hard. It's honestly a really shitty way to live, which if you worked as server you would also know. Yeah getting $100 tip randomly is a cool surprise, no disagreements there ... But it can't be relied upon.

Also, still no comment on how the rest of the civilized world does just fine without tipping?

And lastly, no thank you. I'm going to continue to go out and not tip. Not only that, I'm going to continue to encourage others to do the same.

It's working. Growing numbers if both servers and customers are becoming more and more sick of this bullshit and the tide is shifting.

[–] Rediphile 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Me not tipping probably the most meaningfully personal action I can take to help to bring a change to the system, namely ending tipping.

It's certainly more effective than continued tipping is at trying to end tipping.

[–] Rediphile 3 points 1 year ago

Yep, having worked both sides is probably part of why I see tipping as so silly.

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