
joined 2 years ago
[–] Rediphile 3 points 1 year ago

It feels more like vacation days are added on via 'suspended with pay'.

[–] Rediphile 2 points 1 year ago (5 children)

It seems like neither of you read my comment. Like, at all.

I literally agreed with limiting cell phone use, but said why it's not going to be implemented in a meaningful way. And I also walked to school alone and stayed there all day without a phone and survived just fine.

But all it takes is one parent to say they don't like it, which will happen with certainty. And at that point it just becomes up to the individual parents, which of course it always has been anyway since parents can just take a kids phone literally whenever they want (such as while at school)'s the parents property after all.

[–] Rediphile 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

There are plenty of humane ways to kill when drugs/sedatives are involved.

In my opinion, the real issue is people won't be satisfied with someone feeling high or relaxed or whatever before dying (if their death was supposed to be a punishment). But those same people also don't want suffering...? It's very confusing to me.

[–] Rediphile 2 points 1 year ago

All those rejected applications fees must add up to quite a pile of money for icbc.

[–] Rediphile 6 points 1 year ago (8 children)

It's mind blowing to me that politicians are still pretending it's possible to remove an image from the Internet. But I guess it works and people believe them. Sure they are be able to force some specific websites to remove an image, but that's it. And then it can just be reuploaded by anyone who saved it, or by the original poster who obviously has the image.

And while I agree cell phones are being overused in classrooms/school constantly, that has literally nothing to do with sexploitation. Did he send these intimate photos from the classroom? And in any case, an attempt to outright ban smartphones in school will 100% be instantly overwritten by any parent who demands to remain in contact with their child for safety reasons/emergencies. Just wait and see.

And holding social media companies accountable for what their users do is also pretty silly. Does the government hold Rogers/Telus accountable for when someone calls me and makes a threat via their network? Would that make any amount of sense?

So, is anything at all meaningful being accomplished here...?

[–] Rediphile 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Let's just test it....

Hoe, Slut, Bitch

[–] Rediphile 1 points 1 year ago

Regardless, it's worked into the price of the plan and isn't free. I prefer to just do everything month to month instead of contract and buy my own phones as needed.

[–] Rediphile 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Banned from shaving? That seems like an odd one. Some of the gayest gays I know have beards.

[–] Rediphile 2 points 1 year ago

Those intact icicles seem out of place

[–] Rediphile 2 points 1 year ago

I have the MicroKorg version.

[–] Rediphile 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

If Google specifically denied tracking that's definitely misleading, but I'm unable to find a source for it and don't recall it myself.

Saying that the sites you visit track you would absolutely lead me to believe that search engines sites are included. Since it would not be possible to provide results for the search without knowing what was searched for by the user. And where would they send those results to without knowing the users IP or other form of network address? It just doesn't make any sense to think a search engine would not know who searched for what, since it is required for them to function.

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