Meh, I find recognizing I have that ability is actually calming and snaps me out of the depression a bit.
I think allowing people who abuse them to, well, abuse them is an acceptable byproduct of also helping meaningfully treated various other peoples depression.
It's not one or the other.
$900 a month is quite affordable compared to hiring a private chef. It's all relative.
I'm cheap af, but that doesn't make me 'right'. If I made $1000/h or something it would make complete sense to pay $30 for a $10 meal each day if it saved me even just 15 minutes of effort that could be put towards working instead. In that case, I'd argue it would be 'wrong' and wasteful economically not to use the service.
Cannabis as a whole is federally regulated.
Imo the only actually divisive opinions are around tipping.
What's this!? Complexity in your opinions!? Don't 100% agree or disagree on something based on a 3-5 word sentence?! Straight to jail.
They didn't do a proper legalization like Canada though. Just half-assed it.
Don't underestimate the power of social capital.
I'm ok with them harming some innocent people in the process of killing themselves. Greater good.
Sometimes violence is the answer.
Naw, I'm down with exploiting others for personal gain but I simply lack the capital to do so in the same way as the ultra rich.
I'm not going to pretend every low income person is some ethical ideal, because I sure as fuck aren't.
And that's why like laws and shit are needed to prevent that exploitation or whatever.
I'd honestly hire someone who said this lol, they would probably keep their head down and complete their work and then go home.