I also don't do anything to be clear. But I do get annoyed when people steal more than they could consume clearly to resell it for profit... because that expense is passed along to paying customers who actually pay for their steaks.
Like, there isn't a chance in fucking hell the major grocery chain is just taking that loss right? So they will ensure profits remain high, regardless of the rate of shoplifting taking place. So my steak costs go up.
But I'll take that to being a snitch any day. Just trying to provide a more balanced outlook as to why paying consumers might get upset when they see a shoplifter at the store they pay for stuff at. Because it actually does impact them in some way.
Yep. And I'd argue it's an almost ethical responsibility for those aware of all this to preserve a media archive via piracy. Sort of like those monks that would repeatedly copy old scrolls before they would degrade or whatever.