politely asking cyclists to dismount instead of building them dedicated infrastructure is the problem here. It's counter-intuitive design all to spare drivers from taking any of their space. It offloads all the conflict to vulnerable people outside of cars.
Haha we’re doomed
Wow they don’t??? I’ve always assumed they did that’s wild. Got in one today that reeked of cigarettes.
In relative terms it's not much, but 8000 votes for someone insane as chris sky is kinda terrifying.
Sorry if I’m confused, but are you suggesting housing doesn’t scale with population and traffic? Without new housing prices and traffic will only get worse with people sprawling further out for fewer units.
I've only had a couple. The best I can describe them is "okay".. haven't had anything mind blowing personally so I'd be also curious to hear notable producers.
god forbid we house too many people
Hey thanks for the response. I generally find Active is just as bad for surfacing older threads. At a glance most of them are 4-5 days old. Might simply be out of luck for now but I'll take a look at that link you sent. Cheers.
Hey there, is there anything I can do about a single community dominating my “hot” sorting in the subscribed homepage?
My subscribed communities are a mix of very small and very large communities, but when I view my subscribed feed it’s almost exclusively the largest ones, with the same posts dominating for several days. This effectively makes the subscribed page useless for me.
Is there no way to see a variety of communities like I would with the Reddit algorithm? Thanks!
This is disastrous for the CPC. They won it in 2021 by 27 points!
Thanks :)
This is beyond parody. The city planners can’t even conceive of a space dedicated to people instead of cars. This isn’t rocket science.