Purge cache and update, it's that simple.
No shit, they've alienated everyone interested in the first place.
They are still doing that?
Just use smarttube
There we go, this is why they are fighting adblockers.
Read the article carefully though, it's mostly trying to be inflammatory. It seems ideas outside of what Bethesda usually does end up having to go through Todd because he is good at putting himself in the end user's shoes even if he doesn't want to be the guy with the final say in everything.
It seems more like something that happened over time as they became successful.
It is absolutely wild that they fired one of the best composers in the industry, the silver lining is that he'll be able to work in games that are actually worth a soundtrack that good.
I hope this means we can get a sequel for Metal Gear Rising, Platinum games is still doing the same kind of game after all.
I honestly forgot about Artifact entirely.
But we are talking about design decisions here, it would be micromanagement if he was getting in the middle of how things are done, not the end result.
He's the game director, it makes sense that things would go through him.
Dude, I've been using Ublock for years and this last month I had to update 4 times tops, it works just fine.
On my tv I just downloaded smart tube and I'm also ad-free.
On my phone ublock didn't even need updating.