Go to ublock's settings, purge the cache and update libraries. That should fix it.
I got the Outriders dlc on sale, had forgotten how fun the game is.
They also went out of business 10 years ago and the market has changed since then.
Ublock Origin is working well again, google keeps updating their script but it only takes a few hours to get a new fix.
An Anomaly storm is about to vaporize me or turn me into a god. Odds aren't looking great.
Try setting a budget and looking for the GPU that fits within it, everything else more or less builds itself from there as you check the recommended CPU pairings and requirements they have on your other components.
Oh yeah, I noticed I wasn't going to get very far when I couldn't kill 2 ships at once and kept getting attacked.
The problem with PC is always going to be the amount of possible hardware variations, it's difficult to make sure the game is well optimized for all of them.
It also doesn't help that some people don't understand that they need a good CPU as well as a good GPU and end up with a massive bottleneck.
Piloting, persuation and safecracking. Extra carry weight sure is handy as well.
Great, thanks.
Only 10 users? Seemed like a bigger deal.
Not only that, they are shutting down the servers so no one can play it anymore.