XIV% of people just wanted to see the results.
The people making these comments act like there's literally nobody else in the democrat party.
Yeah I used a user agent switcher that didn't seem to have a blacklist feature that I could find and it broke every cloudfare site.
They named an apple after a beer brand?
Callmecarson. He was dating her before he turned 18 and there was only a couple months gap iirc.
Guess kitchen nightmares isn't making as much bank as it used to.
yeah i am not shooting cold water down there in the middle of winter. heated bidet or paper.
The one that is least ambiguous is objectively more correcter.
did you see that now gordon is sponsoring shitty walmart frozen microwave dinners
My years out of school has made me forget about how division notation is actually supposed to work and how genuinely useless the ÷ and / symbols are outside the most basic two-number problems. And it's entirely me being dumb because I've already written problems as 6÷(2(1+2)) to account for it before. Me brain dun work right ;~;
I'm still not used to having combined image and text posts so I usually don't notice the text portion if it isn't a big ol' wall and I hope I'm not the only one.
Is infinity to the power of infinity special?