Not in my opinion. I dont think forcing yourself upon others and establishing totalitarian states is a success. If you mean working as becoming the main party then sure but i think working is establishing its principles. And there are anarchistic projects that worked quite well im that sense. They never lastet but they did often change a lot. For example the spanish civil war, the paris kommune. Those are the biggest ones. But anarchistic principles were always important. Many "primitive" cultures were egalitarian ones, which they did a lot to keep it that way.
That is what anarcho capitalism is. But in this case some people, who hold the most gun and food, have more power than the others. So there is hierachy again. True Anarchism wants to prevent that. A lot of good explanations here :)
I think so too. If there is hierarchy someone will abuse it. But i also think that capitalism creates structures of hierarchy in itself.
Well yes and no. There are communist systems that centralize power (mostly to establish a system without it) but there are a lot of different ways to do it other than that. Anarcho Communism for example is the complete opposit which does not want to go the authoritarian way even short term. Because well that did not quite work out. Authoritarian states still are authoritarian states. And i myself dont like/want those ^^
I would be interested! :)
Yes! I like you :)
Anarchism does not necessarily exclude Communism! :)
Good Explanations: for those interested
They did surgery on a grape?! 😳
Exactly! Maybe i've never seen a Pizza Box before. For you your code may be trivial. But for someone else an "open before eating" helps a lot.
There are a lot of big words with more or less meaning. Can be very confusing and not really helpful. But anarchist communism is a thing. Peter Kropotkin is the one who wrote about it first in Conquest of bread i think :)
I am but mostly just for myself. Its fun keeping track of what one is reading.