I'm in the process of re-jigging my income/disability insurance converage and it has turned out to be a looong process. 2/3 of the way there, just one more policy to finalise and then I should be set up and not have to make any aplications ever again. It will just be a slow (planned) reduction in cover over the next couple of decades as retirement gets closer.
It would be great to have a crystal ball and know what the future will hold. It's a massive amount of money to spend to (hopefully) receive nothing back. But if something does go wrong I won't have to stress about finances or suffer a major drop in living standards.
It definitely is. I hit the part of my morning routine where I was ready to start our morning walk and it was still pitch black. I've ended up haveing to bring forward coffee instead.
Embroidery is a nice hobby - it is very meditative. This sort of embroidery takes a fair bit of practice to get right because you have to judge the position of the needle and size of stitches evenly, but things like cross stitch are usually done on fabric with evenly spaced holes to guide you. It is not too complicated but gives you something to do with your hands, and it gives you just enough to do with your conscious brain that you don't get bored without taking up all your attention, so most of your brain has space to process things and do some quality sub-conscious thinking.
It would be the different stitches that attracted her to the design - she's always hated doing lots of satin stitch and preferred using different fill stitches.
This is my favourite embroidery piece (with hand crocheted edging) that my mother did.
She's always been more interested in doing the crochet than the embroidery, so there are lots of doilies and things in the cupboard.
Can you do a second run without any detergent to rinse instead? That would at least cut out a little bit of effort.
It's too hard to decide. I think I'll have a grazing platter, please.
Good morning Seagoon, thank you for posting a Thursday thread. Briongloid's Tuesday version had me most confused. I have a hard enough time keeping track of the days as it is, I wasn't sure what part of the week I was in for a few minutes 😃
Yay. I told Mr Woof it was too hot for second walkies, but it is looking like an evening walk might be possible after all.
Mmmm toastie. I had a cheese, pork and sauerkraut toastie today, what was on yours?
It feels like a sleepy kind of day today, so any time you want can be nap time.