oh, gotcha. Thanks, and good point. I was thinking of using bind mounts instead of volumes so I can access them easier. That should make backing them up to the NAS easier as well.
Interesting. I didn't think about performance. I can see how a docker volume would be better optimized. And for a cache that makes sense. I was considering doing a bind mount for the config for easier visibility when debugging things. But keeping the volume for the cache now makes sense... thanks for that.
I technically work for a company that is in the security space. But I myself just can't really get into it. It seems like there is always so many things that could be done to improve security, but there is never the resources to do most of them in companies. And that would really eat at me. We hire companies to do pen testing. They seem like home inspectors. They have to find a few things to help the customer (us) justify the expense, but once they do, they don't need to look much deeper. And half the things they find will be low/mediums that will never get fixed. And in the end, the only reason companies seem to hire them is so they can advertise that they did, or to meet their customers security requirements. All in all, it just feels so sad. :(
anyway. If I am following you... you run a custom NAT for your home network? I know my router has one, but sounds like you don't trust the routers? Is that right? And then you run a vpn server on the inside to handle any external access. That seems smart. Is that like common practice, or something you do because of your background?
It does help thanks. And part of this set of questions was just me exploring stuff thoughts and looking to learn... so I have a follow up question or two.
You mention docker volumes make a lot of sense with multiple nodes. How does that work out? We use pv's and such with k8s at work, and the ones we use can only be mounted on one node at a time. From what others have said, allowing many write from multiple nodes has a lot of complications. Do docker volumes handle writing from multiple nodes?
And... "streaming video isn’t super latency sensitive". I'm super new to streaming video. I would have expected it to be sensitive to latency. I mean you expect the video to keep playing and not stop. Whereas most of the things I work with (api's and what not) can have an extra second or two to respond with little relevant difference. So clearly there is some depth here I don't understand.
"or a 6 year old that gets 5 minutes alone with your mouse" haha. I have a 10 year old with a tendency to be inquisitive with electronic devices. He is pure of heart, but we joke that some day the NSA is going to come knocking. He wouldn't hack a bank to get money, he would just be "exploring" what is possible instead of reading directions. lol. Question though. When you do want to delete something. I am guessing you logon to your media server and do it from your user account?
What is the role of traefik? I looks like networking software for something more like a k8s cluster with lots of pods going up and down all the time. We use linkerd at my job which seems like it has some overlap. But they both seem like overkill when running on a single node system unless I am missing something.
Budget is really more about value than anything, I have money to spend, but I don't like to overspend or waste. Otherwise there are things I know, and things I don't. :) I do know linux, and some docker. I have built a few pc's over the years. But I don't really keep up with hardware stuff. The idea to have a NUC and a NAS just came from what I was reading as it seemed to be what people do. And the plan was to get a pre-built NAS and a mini pc. That way the whole project doesn't get so big it is overwhelming. The software stuff can be complicated from what I read. But I work in software, and I could use more time with docker and such. I was pricing things out when I got thinking about the connection between them, and thus how many ethernet ports I needed on the minipc. It sounds like people are saying that network speeds through a switch should be more than fast enough. I know this is probably the more expensive route, but I think the total cost may be at least reasonable. The minipc is like $169. Seems like the NAS is like $500. And a few hundred for drives. So maybe under a k. The way prices are these days, that doesn't feel terrible. But I don't really have a scope on costs for hardware.
by the way... great discussion. I'm reading along and learning of things I didn't think of before. So thanks.